Friday, January 01, 2010

Been a While, Hasn't It?

Guys, I am so glad 2009 is over. I didn't really like it very much.

My issues with 2009 directly influenced my blogging (or rather, lack thereof), and I am not going into a lot of detail about those issues here. Suffice it to say that any blog posts I could've written in the last 5 months would have involved a lot of navel-gazing and complaints. Those goals I talked about at the beginning of the year, like getting rid of stuff and learning how to build things? Yeah, didn't get very far with those. I've come to dread the "how are you doing" question from folks I haven't seen in a while. I can lie (yuck), or I can be honest about how I'm not really very happy right now (no fun either). As an added bonus, I feel guilty about not being happy, because I have it so much better than many do. Woo!

This isn't fun to write about. I like to report on exciting new things! Crazy schemes that just might work! Amazing sights I saw or experiences I had! Not on how I'm just kind of stuck in my own bleah and not even really taking notice, let alone advantage, of the possibilities around me.

But, y'know, that's where I am.

So, new calendar year? I'll take it! Maybe things will be different. Or maybe not. But it feels like a change, and right now that sounds pretty good to me.