Monday, January 31, 2011

2010 in Movies, and Some Books I Forgot.

I found some more books I read last year!  My record-keeping has been terrible, apparently.  (I wonder if I left anything else out...?)  Below the Forgotten Books of 2010 list, I'm also including a very short list of the very few movies I saw in 2010.

Friday, January 14, 2011

2010 in Books.

I read some books in 2010, and here is an annotated list of them, or at least all of them I remembered to write down.  This time I'm separating nonfiction from fiction, just because; but I'm not separating comics/graphic novels from books-without-many-pictures, also just because.  Numerical ratings appear in parentheses after the author's name, corresponding to the following:

(1) - I hated it. * 
(2) - I'm not sure I liked it.
(3) - I definitely liked it.
(4) - I straight-up loved it.
(5) - It crawled inside my head and moved things around, or burrowed inside my heart and made a little nest there.

* This is only a list of books I actually finished reading, so none of them got the (1) rating.  If I were including unfinished books, I would certainly give it to M. John Harrison's Viriconium. I barely made it through the first story in this fantasy/sci-fi collection. It was a heavy, humorless, and interminable tale of war-wearied men doing manly deeds of manliness in <Mr. Voice> a time of war </Mr. Voice>, and wearily philosophizing about it all in a manly fashion.  Harrison's good with words, but the tedium, I can't even describe it (this from a huge LOTR fan), and
let's not even talk about how he deals with the female "characters."  Anyway, enough of that; on to the good stuff!