Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Tiny Bit More Info.

RowdyKittens gives her own review of the Tiny House workshop here. I heartily second all her enthusiastic comments.

Also, this month's Small Living Journal (online and free) is titled Bureaucracy, Regulations, and Small Living. It features a series of essays addressing a persistent obstacle to small-dwelling life: local laws and codes. Worth reading if you're wondering what you can get away with. With Portland's recent passing of green building code amendments, it's probably now feasible to make a case for small => green => variance-friendly. (Well, easy for a conventional-looking middle-class white person, anyway. *squirm*)


Anonymous said...

Nice info in the journal article; I especially like the connection with institutionalized poverty.

Re that squirm, I know it well. :-/

Lindsey said...

Hey, that article wasn't there last night! I guess they're posting one per day. Well played, SLJ. Well played.