Tuesday, December 13, 2005

In Which I Don't Say Much About Narnia.

I feel like I should write something about the first Narnia movie, some sort of evaluative remarks, but I'm not ready to yet. I'm still processing it. There's so much there for me to consider... maybe not necessarily inherent in the film, but so many layers of meaning built up over years of reading and re-reading. So I'll just tell you that I watched it with my brother, and that we both really enjoyed it.

I used to read the Chronicles out loud to my siblings long ago -- four of us in all, just like the Pevenseys. My sisters tolerated the reading, that being the best entertainment available in the absence of television, but my brother was the one who really loved it. In a sense he has become part of the story for me, and I for him. So it was most fitting for us to stumble back through the wardrobe together, after all these years.

Ebert's review of the movie ended with the following rhetorical question:
But it's remarkable, isn't it, that the Brits have produced Narnia, the Ring, Hogwarts, Gormenghast, James Bond, Alice and Pooh, and what have we produced for them in return?
To this I can only answer: Earthsea. I know, I know, it was just subjected to a horrible TV adaptation; but now it's in the hands of Studio Ghibli, the people who brought you My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. Yes, you read that right: anime! It's a weird idea, but I kinda like it. Even though Ged looks suspiciously Caucasian in the movie poster.


Anonymous said...

To my eye, everyone in anime looks suspiciously caucasian.

Did you see the adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle? Huge modifications to the plot, but the characters and essence were still there. I'm hopeful about the Earthsea adaptation.

Lindsey said...

I did see that. It was really well done, wasn't it? Though Howl was a little too noble and tormented for my taste... I liked him much better as a slacker!

Sometimes you can tell when Japanese artists are specifically trying to depict gaijin because they draw really big noses.