This is a celebratory blog post. I'm celebrating reaching the halfway mark in my novel wordcount. Does it faze me that I still have 25,000 words to go and only 10 days to write them in?
Heck no! ...Well, okay, maybe. Kinda. Yeah. But I can do it, with the help of my secret weapon
Thanksgiving Break.I know the little counter over on the left is kinda confusing. I think the full length of the stripes with red, and the gray parts of the gray/green stripes, represent the number of words I need to write per day to reach 50K by the end of the month. They keep getting longer because I keep on not reaching that number. It looks like there are several days where I didn't write anything, but that's misleading; I just didn't update my wordcount until after midnight. And that really long gray/green stripe actually includes a lot of words from the previous day, so it's not as impressive as it looks. But the gist of the chart is accurate: I started out reeeaaal slow, and now I have to write like a maniac to catch up.
Part of the reason I got off to such a slow start was that my
roommate was moving out. Yes, she has hopped the proverbial fence and moved on to the proverbial greener pastures. I have a new roommate lined up to move in next month. Her blog is broken, or I would link to it. (We'll have to work on that.) In the meantime, I can be as much of a slob as I like. Rest assured I am taking full advantage of this opportunity.
Before I get back to writing this cheesy faux-symbolic dream scene, here is a comic I just read that made me laugh pretty hard. I'm posting a link to it, but it's only for my single friends!
Married friends, do not click here.