Friday, November 03, 2006

In Which Another Novel is Begun.

This year's noveling feels very different from previous years'. For one thing, I'm getting off to a slow start, yet not feeling particularly uneasy about it, given that I'll have a lot more unoccupied time later in the month. I used to be such a stickler for the 1667 words per day (2000 if possible!), especially the first week or so. Now, at the end of Day 3, I have less than 3000 words. Ah, well, I'll catch up soon.

For another, I feel fairly relaxed about the story. Everything about it was designed to be easy for me to write, and so far it really has been, aside from a couple sticky "I don't know what happens next" moments. Of course, there will be plenty more of those....

Finally, if I've learned anything from the previous two years of noveling, it's this: specificity is where it's at. Vague, tentative writing is painful to write and painful to read. I now know to commit myself to as many particularities of plot and characterization as I can come up with, as early as possible in the narrative. I spent way too long worrying about writing myself into a corner before learning that it's the corners that give you something to write about. Specificity brings momentum, which brings enthusiasm, which just makes everything a whole lot better.

And now: sleep.


ah said...


Dave said...

these are wise words. I was avoiding specificity like a disease.
hope the write-in goes well. let's do one some Sunday, so I can come too...

Tiffany said...

"It's the corners that give you something to write about." Ahhhh-profound deduction, Lindsey! You may have inspired me to write specifically. Happy novel month; I'm sure you'll complete a swashbuckling tale just in time! (Did I use that word right?)

Anonymous said...

"It's the corners that give you something to write about."


Anonymous said...

Very wise counsel. I will be brave and create some more characters instead of skipping over them or putting them so far in the background that my main character is on a lonely, lonely stage.

I just broke 3k words, and am not worried about it at all. I'm enjoying writing every day.

colorfulveggies said...

Hmmm...some shmart you!

Unknown said...

It sounds absolutely beautiful!

If only writing a novel was a wise option for me rather than a temptation to take me away from thesis writing.