Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye, 2007.

I was going to have a new blog template in place by now, but Blogger has made customization (real customization, not just shuffling elements) a lot harder than I expected. And also I spent the time I thought I was going to use for that on a completely different web-based project, which you'll get to see pretty soon.

[Postscript -- oops. It looks like my experimentation with my blog template was more permanent than I realized. This isn't what I want the finished product to look like, but it'll have to do for now.]

Also I thought I would have something witty and heartfelt formulated to say, here at the end of the year, but all I really have is a short list of things I wanted to remember to mention in my next blog post. A very short list. Two things, in fact, which make a lopsided sort of list.

1) My sister has a sweet etsy shop up. Check out all her cool designs and consider: do you know anyone who doesn't need a shirt with an old-school boombox on it?

2) On a more serious note: If any of my readers are wondering what the big deal is about this whole domestic partnership thing in Oregon, here is a link that explains what's at stake.

The delay in passing the law affects people I care about, and that makes me sad. Then I read news stories where people cite "Christian values" as their reason for objecting to domestic partnerships for homosexuals, and that makes me angry. For shame! Take a look at the list linked above, imagine the past and future stories each of those numbers certainly represents, and tell me: Since when was Christ in the persecution business?

I don't want my blog to get political. But this has become personal.

[deep breath]

So, yeah, that's what I wanted to cover. And here I am in Roswell, NM ringing in the new year with Meep, as has accidentally become tradition. She has a new old house that she's just moving into, and back in Portland I have a new old life that I'm moving into, and everything looks pretty achievable from here, messes to sort and stow, tasks to undertake and conquer. We are capable and eager, and life just now is full of the kind of chaos that precedes creation.

Happy New Year, all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lindsey. That made me cry.

Dave said...

I tried updating my template, but it made all my links disappear. perhaps in the new year you can assist me in a bit of htmlness? I will make tea.

happy new year to you too!

Lindsey said...

Sang: then we're even.

Dave: would love to!

evannichols said...

And Happy New Year to you and Meep, too! I hope New Mexico is a fun and satisfying place to experience the transition into 2008!

alissa j. said...

mmm, creative chaos...

Unknown said...

I ordered your sister's birthday cake shirt for Bennett to wear at his first birthday party--I can't wait to see his fat little tummy under all that cake! Couldn't resist the letter magnets, either. She has some wicked cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey,
Well, at least I hope this is my old friend Lindsey. I have been doing a websearch because my significant other failed to bookmark the blog after our trans-global move six months ago. Anyway, we have all the right elements here, former librarian, sailor, lives in Portland, goes by the name of Lindsey. Anyway, if this is the right one, and not her evil twin, then I just wanted to say HELLO from Kiwi-Land and I think of you, (and my old friend, Kurth), often. I hope this note finds you well. We have a blog as well, which I am sure you can find with a simple search, in which we tell of our adventures these past six months and post pics of the fam. We would love to hear from you, so drop us a line whenever you get a chance. Happy New Year, Love,

The Gross Family said...

Roswell, eh? Then my suspicions are confirmed. You *have* been using your job as a cover to travel about, infecting unsuspecting thousands with the genetically engineered virus derived from alien DNA recovered from the 1947 UFO crash. The same virus which infected Kennedy, causing the Illuminati, Mafia, J. Edgar Hoover and the John Birch Society to enter into a dark cabal that resulted in his assassination. The same virus being cultivated and harvested covertly via so-called "cattle mutilations" in the west and tested on unsuspecting citizens for decades via "alien abductions" which were carried out using top-secret government psyclogical warfare equipment to mask their true nature! YOU ARE EXPOSED, AGENT OF DECEPTION!!

And, in other matters, I heartily AMEN your concern for loved ones affected by a bad law, and most hearily affirm that Jesus was not in the persecution business, and those who engage in persecution in his name have missed his message entirely. But don't get me started . . .

My prayers and hopes that 2008 brings you good adventures, love, fun and keeps you telling us about them. I miss my favorite librarian/adventurer very much, and hope maybe your wanderings will bring you down under to Kiwi-land for a visit one day.


*puts on aluminum foil hat and sits in my crystal circle*