Friday, December 05, 2008

Information = Love.

I haven't yet made the effort to locate a Linux driver for my scanner. So no comics tonight. However, I did discover some things on the internet that are currently blowing my mind, and I thought you might want to know about them:

1. Google Reader's shared items function. Are you using Google Reader? If so, did you know about this, how you can annotate blog posts you find worth passing on and make them available for friends to view? Because I have recently discovered that this is incredibly cool, and I'm surprised that only 4 of my friends have seen fit to share what they're reading with me.

2., which works like this: you make a small loan (as little as $25) to a struggling third-world entrepreneur. S/he uses it to invest in, say, pigs for a farm, or supplies for a store, and then pays it back to you within a specified period. Then you can choose to either take your money back, or loan it to somebody else. The system is really well thought out and has a great track record. I don't know many people who can spare $25 right now, but when you have enough to share, here is a way to do it that is both worthwhile and fun.

3. Esau Mwamwaya's reinvention of the Vampire Weekend song "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa", which I found here, and which might be the most purely joyful thing I experienced this whole craptastic week. The song is not for sale anywhere, so download it quickly before it goes away!


aaron said...

i win, i knew all three of those!
do you actually read any of the stuff i share, or is the volume overwhelming? up until now nathan was the only one reading my shared items, so i've been using it basically to filter what's worth reading from several blogs.

Unknown said...

Hee! I was very happy to see you sharing stuff!

I mostly don't annotate, but saw you were annotating, and had an urge to be all stellar like you. So maybe some will be annotated now. (But still, probably, mostly not.)

Lindsey said...

A: It did seem like "too much" at first, but after a couple days, an inverse relationship developed between the number of posts a friend shares and the amount of attention I pay to each of them. I skim over yours quickly and only stop if something really grabs my eye (like Pitchfork Top 40 videos, awesome!).

E: Only one of my friends was annotating when I started reading, but I immediately appreciated having a context for the stuff he's sharing. It's not essential, but it makes it a little more personal, and that's fun.