Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In Which Cat Exits Bag.

The word is out. Official announcements have been made, and so I can finally say it here: I'm quitting my job.

This has been a long time coming, so it's a relief to have it out in the open. In keeping with my policy of not blogging about work, I won't go into my reasons for departure here. However, they are good reasons, which I will gladly share with anyone who inquires, and which can be summed up as follows: It's time to move on. My employer has been good to me, and in some ways it will be hard to leave, but I've been ready for the change for quite a while.

So now what?

I've decided to put my library career on hold for a bit. I'm currently applying for a paid contract on... wait for it... a sailing vessel. My short-term plan is to spend several months next summer/fall as purser (bookkeeper) on either the Lady Washington or Hawaiian Chieftain. (I know, you never would have guessed, huh?)

After that? Who knows. Maybe more sailing, if I'm not totally sick of it by then. Maybe another library job. Maybe something unforeseen will come up and I'll go in another direction entirely.

So anyway, yeah, you read that right. I'm quitting my job as a librarian to become a sailor. You might say I'm having my mid-life crisis a few years early.

And I am. So. Excited.


Anonymous said...

A friend near Canada is very proud of you, for leaving and for moving toward something for which you have a passion. If I had a Kudos bar, I wouldn't give it to you as a tiresome form of commendation, I would toss it over my shoulder and give you a great big hug. I am very happy for you. Find some adventure and tell me all about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! Go for it! I am so proud of anyone who leaves the comfort of "normal" to follow their dreams. Go! Experience life the way YOU want to! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow! Big news! I'm in awe of your guts and the general coolness of the whole thing. You prove how much you rock pretty much every time I turn around. We get it: you're the coolest. Now stop making the rest of us look so lame!

I'm sure the library will miss you, but who could resist the lure of the sea? Are you planning to finish out the semester? They're going to have a tough time finding someone to fill your shoes, since you're the coolest and all.

Anonymous said...

That is going to be so awesome. You will never regret it. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm preparing to leave the library world myself (no official notice yet, though -- not for a few months). Not for anything so romantic as life at sea, but there will be some freelancing & self-employment until the savings run out, and I'm excited about that. I also don't know if this is a short or permanent break from the profession, but after ten years, I need a sabbatical, so I'm going to give myself one.
-- heather w

Anonymous said...

And we are. So. Excited. For you! Change is good, and when you can get paid to do it, why not dive in! HA! Get it? Dive...water...sailing...

evannichols said...

I've probably said this before, but Congratulations! I hope this change is a grand adventure! If you start your mid-life crises early, you can get a bunch of them in... ;-)

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the support, friends!
Gina, in answer to your question, I will be staying out the semester and summer intersessions as well. So I'll be around campus wrapping things up until mid-June.

Anonymous said...

You give everyone courage. No really, living your dream is what it is all about.

PJS said...

Sounds like fun, best wishes, you're an inspiration!

"I can sail, way far away from the dock. I sail!"

Anonymous said...

That so rocks. :-D