Friday, January 26, 2007

Which Is, Honestly, Kind of a Cop-Out.

I'm posting, not because I have anything in particular to say, but because I'm tired of the last post being the last post. If you know what I mean (I think ya do, mon).

I really don't have a lot to report. The roommate and I have both elected to spend this Friday evening in the living room with laptops, rather than partake in whatever activities Portland may have to offer. She's letting me wear the DJ hat, and I'm reacquainting myself with my long-neglected iTunes library. So that's fun.

Hm... let's see, what else? I've been working on a top-secret internet project with... some other people. But that's all I can tell you for now. Isn't that intriguing? ...and annoying? Anyway, I think you will like it. Eventually.

Here is a roughly accurate summary of my life these days:
Springfactory - Get Out of Bed

But this (thanks to mixmaster alissa) is the song I can't get out of my head:
Mew - The Zookeeper's Boy


alissa j. said...

top secret? tellme.
my secret is: i stole mew from bryan's last mix. isn't it great?

Anonymous said...

Secret: Broken link. And I can't say so in secret because it's all rejectful of me! :-(

ah said...

Other secret: I never pick Peach in Mario Kart.

Lindsey said...

No one ever picks Peach in Mario Kart, except to annoy other people.

colorfulveggies said...

Well, I used to have one but the wheel fell off.

alissa j. said...

what you said lindsey. so true about that peach.