Friday, August 01, 2008


Have you been wishing there was one site you could go to, one URL you could link to for all the info about Three on the Third, and all the links to all the comics since the beginning? And have you also wished you could see the comics as soon as they're online, instead of waiting for me to get around to posting links to them? Man, me too. Totally.

Well, guess what? POOF! Our wishes are granted!

Now there is an official Three on the Third site! You can add your own comic links as soon as they're ready, and see comics as soon as people post them! (Your existing comics are already linked there; let me know if that's a problem and I'll make them go away.) You can also help us improve the site, if you wanna, 'cause it's a wiki.

Guys, I'm excited. I think the site is pretty dang awesome. But I also think there is room to make it way more awesome. So please let us know what you think of the site (here or there, positive or negative)! And especially, tell us if you have any trouble posting your comic link on the 3rd. We want to make that as easy as possible.

Multitudinous thanks to Sanguinity, who did the heavy lifting in making this site a reality, and grateful pats on the back to those who gave us feedback in the early stages (you know who you are). Arigato also to Patchwork and Alissa for giving me permission to use their original artwork (above and on the wiki, respectively).

Oh, and if you've been waiting for the right month to participate in Three on the Third: THE TIME HAS COME.

BONUS MATERIAL: Here are three comics by Meep from June 3rd. She mailed them to me, and then I didn't get them until after July 3rd, and then I didn't post them UNTIL NOW. They are a paragon of simplicity and a clear demonstration of Murphy's Law at work!

MORE BONUS MATERIAL: Here is a diagram of a manual transmission, drawn for me by Cousin M. It is action-packed! (He is not dyslexic. He was trying to write the numbers upside down.) This might be the closest thing I get to comics out of him, so I thought I'd better post it. That's me in the driver's seat at the upper right. Maybe you had to be there?


Unknown said...

Cousin M's 'comic' cracks me up. It's like comic by Early Man. I think I will watch for it in a future Indiana Jones movie ... I really need to figure out my scanner. - Cousin A.

Anonymous said...

Aw! That's TOTALLY a manual transmission! I would have recognized it anywhere!

evannichols said...

Yes! And I can imagine the sounds and hand-waving that went with it!

The 3on3rd site looks great! I'm looking forward to this month's journal-comicking (now to figure out something interesting to do so mine won't just be about making webcomics)!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I didn't tour and comment earlier-- I'm psyched about having a one-stop, growing site!

Only one tiny note so far-- when I went to create a profile page, following the instructions (as I understood them) made my name appear as a bulleted point.

Now I have to go look at other people's profile pages and figure out what goes on mine.

Thanks for doing this!

aaron said...

yay website! i'm going to try to do 3 on the 3rd this month, but i thought that the last two months too, so we'll see.
on the site it says "one the third day of every month" instead of "on the third..."

Lindsey said...

Thanks for pointing out those errors, grrlpup and aaron -- I have fixed them both! Yay!

upsidedown cat said...

ooh hooray! i should finish mine. i'm soo glad you guys made the site for us! yay!