Sunday, October 23, 2005

In Which I Consider the Virtues of Research.

There's no way I'll feel ready to start my NaNo novel on November 1st. But there are a few things I can do to get a little closer. One is the ever-elusive plot outline, which may or may not actually materialize (if I can pin down my major conflict by the end of this week, I'll be happy). The other is research.

Of course, the speed-novelist's best friend is Wikipedia, and I'll certainly be calling on it in the near future. My other online helpers this year include the Encyclopedia Mythica and

But there's another kind of research, and it involves collecting experience instead of data. To this end, I'm trying to work an Underground Tour into next weekend's Seattle road trip (after many people told me how cool it is). I also aim to somehow get onto the roof of the Wells Fargo Center, preferably at night.... Let's hope the magic phrase "I'm writing a novel" will be my "Open, Sesame!"

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