Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Books I Would Write...

Complete this sentence: "The books I would write..."
Notice it isn't "the books I WILL write." That would be too much pressure. No, this is a daydreaming exercise, pure and simple: Ask yourself, if you were to write books, what kind of books would they be?

The books I would write would require call numbers that haven't been invented yet.

The books I would write would float like balloons on a string.

The books I would write would reach into your skull and turn your brain around backward, so that you would speak in esrever and wear your shoes on the wrong feet.

The books I would write would make clocks obsolete.

The books I would write would scream when they were burned.

The books I would write would make you dream in color.

The books I would write could be chopped up and planted like potatoes, to grow a fine crop of new books.

The books I would write would ambush you in a dark alleyway and demand all your pocket lint.

The books I would write would be printed on seaweed, in luminous ink.

The books I would write would read you.


Ike Graul said...

I'm pretty sure the books you would write could beat up the books I would write.

Laini Taylor said...

What a fun and whimsical read! I love these books and would love to encounter them, in an alley, or the bottom of the sea, or wherever they wander. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

Unknown said...

The books I would write could be chopped up and planted like potatoes, to grow a fine crop of new books.

I feel like I should comment on this one, since I live in Idaho and all. But I'm too stunned by the utter awesomeness of the idea to come up with anything witty. (I know, when has that stopped me before.)

Anonymous said...


gkgirl said...

i AdorReD all of this...
the potatoes,
the screaming,
the dreaming color,
talking in reverse,

oh, and not to forget my
favorite, floating like balloons...

i'm definitely intrigued.

Alex S said...

What a FANtastic post! I am brand new to your site and found this so utterly original.