Monday, January 16, 2006

In Which B is Begun.

I know MLK Day is nearly over, but I did want to share this amazing essay about what it's like to be a fan of fantasy/sci-fi who doesn't have pale skin. Anway, glimpsing the world through someone else's eyes is always topical, innit?

Auspicious was the word for A, for beginning a new year like a snowy field, still un-footprinted, slightly blinding with its possibilities. I'm not sure yet, but it looks like the word for B may be Busy. B is for budget. B is for baking, bathroom (as in 'cleaning the'), and, yes, blogging. B is also for brother, and board games, and bookstore. And a number of other things have crept into my schedule, things that are important despite not beginning with B, such that it looks as though this may be my only quiet evening at home until the weekend. Which is good. I think. I generally really enjoy being busy, until sometimes, quite suddenly, I don't anymore. I hope that doesn't happen this week.

I mentioned I was excited about various authors who begin with B, but I hadn't actually decided on one yet. So when I found a grubby copy of Blue Highways today, left in a place I'd be sure to spot it, I knew just who'd put it there (an as-yet-un-aliased writer friend) and why (he's been telling me to read it for a year now) and what to do with it (duh). At over 400 pages, it will probably take me well into C territory, but that's okay. I wasn't going to get a book read every 2 weeks anyway.

Only the second day of B, and I have already eaten baby corn (stir-fry) with beef at a Thai restaurant. I've ingested a piece of butterscotch candy and a couple of black bean burritos and an apple (Braeburn), and listened through several hours' worth of B musicians in iTunes (Beck! and more Beck! and some Bloc Party). Also, mustn't forget bathing and brushing teeth. Which might be a good idea right now, come to think of it.


evannichols said...

Thanks for the link to the Pam Noles essay! Well written and made me think. I didn't watch the adaptation, but I was appalled by the Earthsea casting. Apparently Le Guin wasn't going to go public about her feelings about it (she knew she'd signed away creative control), until the Hollywood people started saying that she approved of what they were doing. Insult to injury, as it were.

Happy B's!

Dave said...

bathing and brushing my teeth are both good ideas... off to do them now...

if only I could keep the rest of my room clean now...