Monday, January 30, 2006

In Which Squirrels Don't Help Any.

My grandmother has been working on compiling her memoirs for a while now. Yesterday she told me that she has so many vivid childhood memories, she doesn't think she'll be able to get around to writing beyond the third grade. Her mind is still keen, but those memories are the most vivid for her. I remember my grandpa could tell me about all the cars his parents had owned, but it seems like more of his yarns took place in adulthood. It makes me wonder, if I am lucky enough to see my ninth decade, which parts of my life will be the most vivid in my memory.

Grandma said that when she was 2 and some months old, she was whisked away to a neighbor's house and told that when she went home the next day, she would have a new baby brother or sister. When she came back, her mother was lying in bed nursing the newborn. My grandma began screaming, "The baby's eating Mama! The baby's eating Mama!" and had to be carried from the room shrieking and kicking. She said she remembered someone trying (unsuccessfully, obviously) to distract her by pointing out a squirrel in the yard.

I guess that would pretty much scar you for life, wouldn't it?

I started C fortnight out right with a visit to colorfulveggies. Her sister was visiting too, and I went shopping with both of them. I don't get to see them together often, so watching their personalities play off each other's was intriguing, especially when they disagreed. Now I know what happens when the Irresistible Force meets the Immovable Object.

Today I went to the CD store and got myself some Concretes and Calexico. I had a coupon that expires tomorrow, so I used it to get discounts on used CDs. Man. I sure do love a Deal.

The Concretes - Miss You


alissa j. said...

oh, concretes. their cover is my favourite on your mix.

i think i have things a bit mixed up. i'm not doing the alphabetical year thing (there's no way i could do that...) but i've been watching Trauffaut films and eating Taquitos, Toast and Tuna. T is a good one. when it comes up (the end of september?) you should have a T party.

Lindsey said...

Brilliant! I will. And I will invite you.

Anonymous said...

ohmygosh. laughed so hard. your poor grandma!

ah said...

Calexico is one of my new additions as well. They are nice.

Anonymous said...

I rely on my friends to remind me of my memories.