Monday, January 09, 2006

In Which I Dream About Sleeping.

I want you to know that I actually pressed the button to post last night's entry with my left elbow.

I've been really drowsy most of today, after trying to recover from my nocturnal vacation habits all at once. This morning, after hitting the snooze alarm once or twice or maybe five times or something, I dreamed I was knocking at a neighbor's door. As she came to answer it, I struggled to keep my eyes open to greet her, because how awkward would it be to answer your door and find a sleeping person outside of it? But I couldn't. It was kind of embarrassing.

When I finally woke up enough to look at the clock, I was embarrassed all over again.

I have another A song to share today, and for once it's not a yousendit link:

The Owls - Air


evannichols said...

If you can train yourself to dream that you're sleeping, you can get a night's rest in half the time! Let us know how that works out for you...

Thanks for clarifying about the elbow thing. Strange non-sequiturs confuse and frighten me. ;-)

Anonymous said...

blueberry cheesecake!