Friday, November 11, 2005

In Which... uh... zzzzzzzzz.

My wordcount is in sad, sad shape. I haven't had the energy to get much written this week. When I finally get a chance to sit down with the laptop, my eyes glaze over. My immune system has been fighting off a cold (so far successfully, with assistance from the good people at Plum Blossom), and various other factors, ranging from the mundane to the bizarre, have interfered with my sleep.

It's weird, because I feel like I've been really disciplined, despite having very little to show for it. Yesterday I turned down an invitation to dinner and two invitations to movies I wanted to see. I was tremendously proud of my iron will. Then I ended up staying late at work, grocery shopping took longer than expected, and my sister called. My NaNo chart now says, "At this rate, you'll be done on December 11, 2005."

I am so glad it's Friday.

(Justin Hawkins is, too.)

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